Healthy Home Design Feedback
It was a great relief to have such an interesting and extremely helpful conversation with Beverley about the design of our new house. We made major headway on some areas we were stuck on and unsure about. We had talked to friends and family, who each had a different opinion (eg the location of the kitchen and the back door) but Beverley helped us get the show back on the road as she hit these nails right on the head! She also suggested several exciting new ideas that hadn’t crossed our minds and picked up on and gave us some excellent solutions to some challenges we were facing (most of which we hadn’t even mentioned to her beforehand). Some things are now very obvious that were not clear to us before.
We appreciated Beverley’s flexibility and her unique multipronged approach – linking all together her expertise in different areas. She gave us exactly what we asked for and a whole lot more, taking into account what is possible, what is practical and what is supportive for our health too. She also spoke to us in a way that was absolutely appropriate for both my partner and I (she picked up our different viewpoints), repeating her points where necessary and taking the time to ensure we understood (our consultation was by telephone).
Many many thanks Beverley for your passion and genuine interest in our project. We really hope you’ll pop in one day (you can come in the back door!!). LP, Devon
Thank you for your visit, your input, your ideas and your thoroughness. We both really thought it very useful, clarified some ideas, gave us some new ideas and was very useful indeed. AL, St Albans
Thank you for the healthy home design consultation. It was great to brainstorm with you and have all our ideas reality checked. You have left us with a clear understanding of how to make the most of our house and equally importantly which ideas we can put out of our mind. I personally found that most useful as it de-cluttered and calmed my mind. We took action straight away on the smaller projects and have a clear idea how to move forward on the bigger project. Your input will be invaluable when it comes to getting quotes and instructing builders. Thank you! KB, Charlton
So many good ideas came out of our session, thank you. SB, Hertfordshire
I liked your no-nonsense approach to our goal with the house. It grounded and clarified my plans making it much easier to move forwards. RG, London
Beverley Space Cleared our previous home and I knew a little about Feng Shui so it seemed a logical and wise step to have a consultation regarding the plans of our new home before it was built. My hope was that this would allow the building to flow and enhance us and that the consultation would allow for minor corrections before construction began.
We discussed a lot of really useful information regarding the areas which were in harmony and worked really well by their location on the plan. We also discussed creative and easily achievable suggestions to enhance areas which did not flow as well or perhaps had some “missing” areas in the plan.
Subsequent to this we had the site of our new home checked for geopathic stress and one line impacted on the areas which will contain the study and our son’s bedroom. Again Beverley gave us creative suggestions using Feng Shui principles for positioning the desk in the office and the bed in the bedroom to avoid spending time on this geopathic stress line.
What I particularly appreciate about Beverley is that she has great knowledge as an architect, wonderful intuition as a practitioner and is not rigid in any way. It allows for corrections to be suggested and a feeling that there is almost always a solution. AR, Ireland
Having decided to extend our apartment 2 years ago, we had worked with a design company to design an extension, but had reached a point at which we were not happy with the proposed design, quite confused and unclear how to move forward. Meeting with Beverley redirected our ideas and helped take us back to first principles. With her we worked through what we had originally wanted from the extension, how we really wanted to use the space and we reviewed all the options available. Her clarity, vision and expertise really helped to make sense of what we wanted to achieve. On top of this she was able to refer a wonderful architect who has been able to turn this
vision into a reality. Without her help I really think the whole project would never have been completed. E + H, London
The process of healthy home brainstorming was fascinating and enjoyable. While I had an idea of the sort of designs I want for the kitchen and possible new ‘Dream Room’ I was completely unsure about whether any of it was feasible. Also, with no one to talk to about my ideas I felt completely without confidence and considered that it wasn’t even a good idea. You were able to offer pragmatic comments and solutions as well as creative idea developments. I was really happy that we ‘paced out’ in the garden the possible new room area as doing so helped me to get a feel for the scale and space of the room. It also helped that you were able to ‘put some flesh on the bones’ by the simple act of drawing a sofa on the plan. Discussions about materials and finishes, and the grounded reasons for them, brought the picture even more into focus.
You also picked up on my wants as well as my needs in relation to the spaces. I felt supported in my ‘dreams’ as you didn’t put me on the spot with negative criticisms and listened carefully to my tentative suggestions about mood as well as space and structure. Your special sensitivity to a client’s mood or emotions is a great asset when doing this sort of work – that’s something rare in an architect in my experience! When I met up with my coaching supervisor recently I referred to our meeting as ‘coaching through architecture’ as the ‘work’ you did was more than designing and specifying a room; it also helped me to open up to myself about what I want going forward in my life not just what I want out of a building. Thank you. Lizzie, Nottingham