Space Clearing Feedback
Thank you so much for coming and performing such a lovely ceremony in our home. Our house feels absolutely beautiful and I feel a deep sense of this being ‘home’ now which, as you know, was my main reason for having the clearing done. I am no longer thinking about moving or about keeping the house a certain way ‘in case we sell’, I am just enjoying being home with my beautiful family. My daughter also said that she feels so much more relaxed in her room and she feels there is a noticeable difference in the energy. I would totally agree with this, the energy in her room used to feel very heavy and stagnant but now has a beautiful vibrancy to it. K.F. Essex
We enjoyed the time after your Space Clearing very much! Even my husband felt a difference and he would do it again after moving into a new house! I would do it anyway 😉 And I wanted to let you know that I am pregnant – already 20 weeks and I am feeling well. So thank you very much for your help and the wonderful experience of your Space Clearing! K.K. London
The main intention was to sell our flat which had been on the market for a few weeks but was not shifting – and we received an offer the week after the Space Clearing. We were then able to move to our dream home which we secured against the odds. R.W. Middx
After about a week of Beverley visiting, harmony started to be the main feeling in a flat that had never felt like home, that was always a temporary, make-do place. It is only in the months that followed that I realise what an impact Beverley made. The flat still doesn’t feel like ours (it isn’t ours) but it feels more like a home now, more coherent, more cohesive and we both have a sense of being able to let go, being able to relax in the deepest sense which is the aim I had earnestly hoped of achieving. Thank you Beverley. R.G. Surrey
I feel as if I have awoken from a dream and am suddenly alive to my life. I am so grateful to the people in it, especially my partner and son, and am feeling hopeful and optimistic about the future. The Space Clearing shifted a lot of stuck energy for me personally, I am energized and motivated and I’ve found more motivation for areas that need sorting or projects I’ve been meaning to get on with for some time. A.M. Worcestershire
I have to tell you that since your visit, I have been having the most wonderful sleeps, almost every day now, I wake up feeling AWAKE and refreshed… it feels amazing, thank you! C.B. London
Since the Space Clearing I have felt calmer and more at peace. I am more focused on what is important and finding my purpose. I feel better about myself and more at home with who I am. K.R. Hertfordshire
We both found the space clearing to be a wonderful ceremony – very special, beautiful and confirming of our relationship. It was a profound experience and we were deeply impressed by your presence and your work. We felt that we learned things about each other that we hadn’t realised before. I feel I have let go of the past and the things I carried with me from my previous home and partnership. I find myself in a much better place, filled with the meaning and purpose I so wanted. Thank you so much. J.P.London
It was an extraordinary experience for me and I feel much calmer in my little rented cottage. You have a very special talent. Personally, I feel more free, more connected, more aware and accepting of coincidences, more enthusiastic about everything, more accepting of others, more accepting of myself. I have even lost half a stone in weight! I feel the ceremony was a turning-point. L.M. Kent
The house feels great and I feel like I’ve had a healing. I slept really well for the first time in a long time. D.G. London
On the day of the consultation I felt elevated, light and removed from the day-to-day activity outside. It was a lovely feeling. The flat felt so good and I experienced waves of pleasure from being in the space. We are left with a feeling of having experienced something very special and are still basking in the afterglow. Several people have commented on how the place feels different. I know the effects are both long term and far reaching. I.A. & R.W. Middlesex
I wasn’t prepared for the influx of business that has occurred since you space cleared my home and business. It has been wonderful. I have for the first time really loved being at home and it feels like a very protective place now. Thank you again you’ve made a phenomenal difference to our lives. K.S. Berkshire
My life has definitely changed for the better. The Space Clearing has had a huge knock on effect on all aspects of my life: I can see clearer, and instead of wallowing in self pity and worry I now feel more confident and capable of taking the small simple steps required for me to live the life I have imagined. E.O. London
What a delightful and amazing experience, and I wonder how you knew those things about me and my house! I loved the ceremony, the bells, the flowers, and the feeling of lightness in the house and in me afterwards. Life has moved on in a beautiful and positive direction this year and I can track it back to that very special day. Thank you, thank you. W.M. New Zealand
I have felt different and also the house feels softer. H.W. Surrey
The last few months have been an amazing journey for me, really looking at my past and addressing past issues. It all started back with the space clearing you did for me and then with me leaving my job. Thank you so much for everything. S.T. London
What an incredible experience to have you work at our house in the conditions that you would have had every right to run away from! It had to be the coldest day of last year, in a house with half a roof, no heating (no walls, no complete flooring, certainly no heating!) no running water, no toilet facilities and yet you worked effortlessly with a wonderful sense of humour. Your dowsing skills were spot on and the insight you gave me into the previous residents, confirming what I had sensed was very significant. You worked to change the energy in the house and at the end of your time there, the energy was changed – dramatically and has remained this way 5 months later. It was an absolutely fascinating experience, one which I look forward to repeating at some point. Thank you for all the energy and commitment you put in. R.G. Surrey
Thanks for the wonderful space clearing of my flat. A lot of issues I had with my personal life have been answered. I have begun my “new life” being even more positive than before and it seems like a big weight has been lifted from my shoulders. S.B. London
We had the offer on our house sale within 20 hours of the space clearing – this was incredible and speaks volumes about your work. You worked so many miracles on our London house, and now we are SO happy here in Cape Town. All down to you, without a house sale, it never would have happened. I felt it was a very powerful ceremony and a very rich one – rich with promise for both sellers and buyers. Thank you for your expertise and for your wonderful and powerful work. So many times, I have written you in my mind, to say ‘thank you’ for your expert talent in making peoples’ dreams come true. And, I had such fun working with you. J.R. London
The room that was once cold and underused now feels fresh and invigorated and inviting. R.C. Yorkshire
Thank you so much for space clearing my home. It was such a special, magical day. It was so incredible the way the atmosphere lifted as you lit the candles. Since then… well, my life seems so much easier. It is like a magic wand has been waved over both myself and my life. I have found people so much kinder towards me, especially men. I’m able to see with clarity now who my true friends are and people who are negative I just find so very draining… something I have never been aware of before. Two potentially tricky jobs went extremely smoothly and I was praised for my work (not usual in my business!). I was nervous that the various changes were going to run out… but actually I find every day I feel more content and have more confidence about being me. I’ve been having so much more fun. A college re-union that I’d been dreading was a real laugh. And so I could go on and on but I guess you get the picture! Thank you again I would never have achieved all this without you space clearing my home. F.D. London
Space Clearing really does work, I would describe it as getting ‘you out of the way’ to let higher vibrations get to work. Together with discovering meditation at the same time, the Space Clearing brought a 360 degree turnaround in my life. To anyone who feels stuck and not sure if it will work for them, let my story be a message that it will work for your highest good, it just might not be what you were expecting but it will be very good. Very good! E.G. London
I wanted to let you know that your space clearing had the desired effect. You came to my home in 2009, and I asked for more creativity in my life. Two months later, out of the blue, I was offered a much bigger, affordable but professional workspace. Since then I’ve been taking my creative work more seriously. It was a lovely experience having you in my flat. I would recommend you highly, and would do space clearing again. – E.D. London
I just wanted to thank you again for your wisdom and guidance. By following your advice I feel that I’m moving out of the period of stagnation which I’ve been stuck in for so long and starting to move my life forward in a positive direction. – A.F. London